
Broke-Ass Confessions: I Like Williamsburg
I write about Williamsburg a lot and that’s because I live here. I’m coming up on my one-year anniversary, in fact. But I’ll admit it. I was kind of hatin’ on my own neighborhood for a while. When you’re not snobby about music and could care less about owning a

Poker, Pool and Cheap Booze at LP ‘n Harmony
LP and Harmony has everything a good bar needs, and then some. Not only do they have a good jukebox, two nice pool tables and cheap booze, but they also have a backyard and poker tables. On Fridays poker is played throughout the day with a $40 buy in, and

Enroll at Punk University at the Wreck Room
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If it is broke, it’s probably cool to hang on the walls. Those truisms are two similar and equally important pieces to the dive bar mythos. From complex themes and stuffy, plush seating, even the “dive” bars of New York can be a

Skee Ball Yourself Happy at Ace Bar
Remember how much fun parties were back when you were a kid and didn’t have to pay for them? Ball pits! Ice skating! Scary singing mechanical animals at Chuck E. Cheese’s! Hanging out at game-friendly Ace Bar kind of reminds me of those carefree times, only with alcohol so it

Lucy's Is Your Grandma's House But With Whiskey
When I hear terms like “slumming it in the East Village” or “East Village dive” I immediately conjure up images of pretentious blog douchebags who think that because there’s graffiti on the walls that this is a bad part of town oooooooh. Let’ s be real; the East Village has