
Visit These Wonderful Urban Wineries in San Francisco, Oakland, NYC and Portland
This guest post is by Charlotte Chipperfield, founder of The Wine Key DogPatch WineWorks in SF As city dwellers, we often have good intentions of visiting the beautiful wine country that surrounds our great cities but may get caught up in a cup of Stumptown, Four Barrel or the ever so addictive Pumpkin

Reel M’ Inn: Portland’s Bar Food Extraordinaire
What could possibly distract you from the embarrassment of your traveling companion knocking over two pints of beer onto the table, floor, and your army jacket while every…one…in…the…room…watches…you? Reel M’ Inn’s fried chicken and jojos is what. Don’t believe it could be that good? Just ask Sean Brock, he proudly states that the

I Sold My Soul and Moved from Portland to Los Angeles
This is what I look like when I’m moving. Or, drunk. Or both. I haven’t written anything in a while because I have been moving. And maybe drunk? Perhaps a giggly combination of the two. But I’ve been happy, too, which always makes spilling my guts onto the internet a

How to Not Murder Yourself in Portland This Winter
Like most people that live in Portland right now, you’re probably thinking something along the lines of “the sky is grey, everything is grey, the choices I make get perpetually worse every year, my life is going nowhere, I want to die, is there someone available to take care of

Portland, You’re a Dirty Little Slut
Some dude who is probably leaving Portland after a one-year stand. Portland, my little city of dreams. I love you so much. Everyone claims to love you so much. Your dreary grey skies make for pretty poetry and days full of coffee and booze and strip clubs and cheap, delicious

A Guide to Surviving Fall in Portland aka: Summer “Went Out to Buy Cigarettes” and is Never Coming Back
So first off if you’re reading this, congratulations! You didn’t overdose or asphyxiate on your own vomit from partying this summer! That’s great and I’m sure your parents are proud. I hope you were right on the brink, though, and you got all the summering out of your system because look outside,

PDeXes and Why There is a Strong Possibility That We Are All Dying Alone*
GRRRR! Let’s date! Portland is not famous for it’s “people who are committed to just sleeping with one dude or chick for a presumably extended period of time” rate, let alone the amount of successful marriages. Whether you’re hanging out with someone in their mid-30s who is struggling not to overdose on