Public Enemy

Watching Ta-Nehisi Coates Shadowbox With White Nonsense In San Francisco
Guest Post by Sayre Piotrkowski For most of the past month I have been reading We Were Eight Years In Power by my favorite author, Ta-Nehisi Coates. The book is something like a greatest hits collection culled from Coates’ work in the pages of the Atlantic magazine. Nine essays, eight

10 Hip Hop Songs to Help You Cope with the Police Killings in America
The corporate and political masters of America don’t care about us, and it’s obvious. It’s discouraging, but don’t feel alone. We don’t need them. Fuck them! We have each other! So don’t be afraid to connect with members of your community to work towards a solution for this very real

A Broke-Ass That Practices What We Preach
As I sit in the International Bar (thanks to Bobby’s recommendation), I’m staring at a picture of what looks to be Bettie Page. I exchange texts with my sister about the Earthquake that hit Virginia. You know the one everyone on the east coast claims they felt. Public Enemy’s