Secret Science Club

Carnivorous Nights: the Secret Science Club's Annual Taxidermy Contest
Taxidermy is one of those things that people love or hate. I freaking love it, even though I’m a vegetarian. There’s just something so fascinating about seeing a natural thing in an unnaturally still state. Also, it’s the best way to get up and close to a tiger without getting

FREE Short Science Films
The Secret Science Club isn’t a well kept secret. They meet at the Bell House instead of an underground bunker or camouflaged tree house, and you don’t have to solve a crazy physics equation to get in. But their meetings are always about topics you’d probably never think of on

Lions, Tigers, and Squirrels Oh My! Taxidermy Contest
It seems you can hardly go out for a drink these days without stumbling upon a Moose head or some other stuffed creature staring back at you with those lifeless eyes. New Yorkers love to cultivate eccentric hobbies, so I guess it should come as no surprise that Taxidermy is

Get Your Geek On: Nerd Nite and the Secret Science Club
Even if though I’m finished with college, September brings a feeling that I should be buckling down and kicking some ass in my classes. Admittedly, I miss the intellectual discourse of higher education, but I don’t miss the knots my stomach developed every finals week. Sure, you can read to

Nerd City, Population: YOU
Judging from all of my oh-so-secret events lists, it seems as though the stars have aligned to make July 14, 2o09, the Day of the Nerd. Which is awesome. As movies and television have patiently explained, and as the Lower East Side has consistently demonstrated, the nerds are gonna inherit

Comedy and Secret Science Club : Both FREE and AWESOME
Today is one of those days where you wake up and curse science for slacking on cloning technology. Three choices for Grade A Shite. There are actually infinitie choices for Grade A Shite on almost any night here, but to make my job easier I’ll only catalogue three. I

Secret Science Club at Bell House: Brain and Memory
Science is awesome and the Secret Science Club is awesome. How can you go wrong with a free lecture attended by people who are choosing to be there, without extra credit incentive? Tonight, Columbia University cellular neurobiologist (boner!) Ottavio Arancio will drop some knowledge about the molecular basis of