
Whiskey Cheaper Than Beer at Nancy’s
I don’t know who Nancy is, but I like her style. Nancy’s Whiskey Pub is one of the few, if not only, dive bars in the Soho/Tribeca area. (Their Web site even reminds you that they’ve been there since before it was “Tribeca.” While most places nearby have fancy fruit-oil-infused

Stiff Drinks and FREE Shuffleboard at The Whiskey Brooklyn
The Whiskey Brooklyn, which just opened this past August, is modeled after its two brother bars, The Whiskey Tavern in Chinatown and Whiskey Town in the East Village. Not surprisingly, they offer a wide selection of Scotch, Bourbon, and whiskey divided by provenance, including (for relaxing times) Japan’s own Suntory

FREE Shuffleboard at Luckydog
Unlike babies in bars, which people frown upon, it is sometimes okay to have dogs in bars. Especially at Luckydog, where dogs are given free rein to sit on the stools, run all around, lick your shoes, whatever. If you’re not a dog owner, this can, at first, be a little

Greenpoint 'Last Saturdays' Block Party
Even if you don’t have a wad of cash in your pocket, who says you can’t enjoy a little window shopping. Fellow Broke-Ass Anna G has already clued us into stress-free sanctity that is Franklin Ave in Greenpoint, and after making a pilgrimage myself, I have to agree with her.

Broke Ass Guide to Bar Games
As an avid fan of cheap entertainment, I’m always on the hunt for bars that feature games of the drunken competitive variety. When some people think of bar games, they envision a lone patron, hogging the stool playing erotic photohunt. Or large groups that play pool all night and shoot