
What’s In My Bag?: Broke-Ass Edition
For many reasons I am unable to relate to mainstream fashion magazines, notably because they pimp $400 t-shirts as a feasible item to purchase. At that point (which is usually within the first 10 pages), I slam the magazine down on my coffee table and leave in a fit of

Good Coffee On The Borderlands At Barcey’s
It’s easy to just think of New York as a series of subway stops. After all, you go underground, everything’s the same, then you’re somewhere else- no real way to connect the larger world. However, despite popular belief, Brooklyn and Queens share a lot of unceremonious borderland. No rivers, waters,

Eat at Cubana Cafe Right…Now!
Sometimes it’s difficult to find restaurants that leaves carnivores and herbivores feeling equally satisfied. Sure, there are non-meat options at barbecue restaurants, but corn bread hardly counts as a full meal. And though I’m a vegetarian, I understand the need to eat lamb while getting Indian food. Next time you’re

FREE Zinester's Guide to NYC Release Party
If you buy one travel book about NYC, it should be Broke Ass Stuart’s. If you buy a second, it should be the Zinester’s Guide to NYC by Ayun Halliday. Broke Ass Stuarts lists just about every decent dive bar in the metro area, while the zinester’s guide encourages people

Free Snacks and Booze for International T-Shirt Day
I thought about starting this post asking who likes T-shirts, free booze and free snacks. But that’s kind of like asking, “Who likes puppies, breathing, and candy?” So instead, I’m just going to say if you’re really, really into T-Shirts you should go to Sweet and Vicious tonight for their