
The Netflix of Rejected Films Wants Your Submissions
Guest post by: Andrea Gonzales-Paul If you’re a person who has spent a lot of time and energy making an independent film that didn’t get into the festival circuit and/or didn’t secure distribution, please read on. Backstory: I made a deeply personal documentary about how my liver almost — but

"Gasland" Screening at Rooftop Films Saturday
Remember in the early 2000’s, when Dick Cheney was facilitating legislation that would allow natural gas companies to bypass environmental regulation, and poison our ground water? NO? Yeah that seemed weird to me too. Until I remembered Cheney was perhaps the most evil, secretive vice president evah. Then I was

Win a FREE All Acess Badge to the Northside Music Festival
You may have noticed an abundance of cut-off shorts and a general congenial attitude going around, well make no mistake, New Yorker’s are amped for summer. And with this new season marks the beginning of outdoor music festivals and shows. Sure there’s Coachella, Bonnaroo, and the hippest of the hip,