Super Bowl

Nine Fun Ways to Boycott the Super Bowl
Maybe you’re like Nik, and you’re boycotting the Super Bowl and the NFL. Or maybe you’re just not feeling the Super Bowl this year and want another option for your night. Perhaps you’ve never been much of a football fan to begin with. With the Super Bowl fast approaching you

Why is Justin Timberlake Playing the Super Bowl but Janet Jackson Blacklisted?
Guy-who-ripped-off-a-woman’s-shirt, Justin Timberlake, is asked back to play this year’s Super Bowl halftime show, but the woman whose shirt he ripped off has been blacklisted from the music industry completely. In an egregious example of male privilege and victim-blaming that could only happen in Donald Trump’s America, the guy who

Why Beyoncé is Conservatives’ Biggest Threat
Let’s talk about Beyoncé. People love her; people hate her. There seems to be no in between. She’s either a queen or a demon. She’s too black for some or not black enough for others. I’ve heard people call her a singing stripper, a devil worshiper , a poor role

A Color Green Cartoon of the Week: Tom Brady Exposes Deflated Balls before Super Bowl XLIX
When asked for comment, Marshawn Lynch of the Seattle Seahawks had this to say, “I’m here so I won’t get fined.” Photo Credit:

How to Throw A Broke-Ass Superbowl Party
The Super Bowl is upon us. If you plan on having your friends and family join you for this grand American tradition there will be many parties being thrown. But beyond the wings and the booze, here’s your quick cheap guide to throwing the best Broke Ass Superbowl Party. Let’s

Let’s Sacrifice A Rich Guy
If there was one thing I disliked about the whole Occupy Wall Street movement, it had to be the fact that no demands were made. I mean, here you have a pseudo-revolutionary movement and no one steps up to organize a small committee. I think a small committee a la

FREE Food, Pigskin and Pin-Ups All Day
As someone who normally avoids football at all costs, but also has a secret love of hot wings, the Super Bowl is a conflicting event for me. I enjoy the festive atmosphere and flowing beer but not so much the fist pumping and sporadic yelling. But the Who is playing