supreme court

How the GOP Plans to Win Without the People’s Support
by Willem Frankfort As the dark, rolling miasma of impeachment and possible removal from office approaches our dear leader, Donald Trump, the Republican majority in the Senate has proven a reliable shield. To a staunch anti-Trumpist like myself, it can be difficult to understand how a party which used to

After Kavanaugh, Only Women Can Save Us Now
By Trish Nelson It’s official. On October 6th, we placed a shotgun beer drinking guy named “Brett” onto the Supreme Court to serve as an impartial judiciary advisor for The United States of America until presumably, around the year 2050. As we’ve come to understand, Brett is the perfect flesh

The Truth About Straight White Men In Power
by Laura Jean Moore “Those animated kitchen trash bags don’t even want us in the room,” is what I was thinking, watching Graham and Hatch and their smug-suited peers apologize to KKKavanaugh for having to endure the public recounting of one (1!) of his worst deeds. And by us, I

This fight is much bigger than Brett Kavanaugh
The Senate Judiciary Committee will cast the first of three votes Friday, each will position Brett Kavanaugh closer or further away from a seat on the Supreme Court. The Friday morning Senate session was met with just as much contention as was present at the end of Thursday’s hearing. The

5 Times Ruth Bader Ginsburg Totally Schooled Us
Today marks the glorious birthday of one of America’s most influential voices. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 83 years young today and she’s still as feisty as ever. Not only is she a feminist icon but she’s also been at the forefront of LGBT equality. The Notorious RBG was actually