Team Broke-Ass

Secret Candlelight Storytelling in a Brooklyn Cemetery
On Tuesday, May 29th , under the first full moon, various female writers, actors, performers and musicians will gather together by candlelight at the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn to share personal stories of failure and triumph, of injustice and absolution all written under the theme ‘So…That Happened’. Inspiration strikes in

Secret Candlelight Storytelling Brooklyn Cemetery
On Tuesday, May 29th , under the first full moon, various female writers, actors, performers and musicians will gather together by candlelight at the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn to share personal stories of failure and triumph, of injustice and absolution all written under the theme ‘So…That Happened’. Inspiration strikes in

Secret Candlelight Storytelling in a Cemetery In Brooklyn
On Tuesday, May 29th , under the first full moon, various female writers, actors, performers and musicians will gather together by candlelight at the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn to share personal stories of failure and triumph, of injustice and absolution all written under the theme ‘So…That Happened’. Inspiration strikes in

Candlelight Storytelling in a Cemetery In Brooklyn
On Tuesday, May 29th , under the first full moon, various female writers, actors, performers and musicians will gather together by candlelight at the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn to share personal stories of failure and triumph, of injustice and absolution all written under the theme ‘So…That Happened’. Inspiration strikes in

Just shut up and write already! – National Novel Writing Month
By reading this site, you likely are always looking for awesome ways to live your life, so you have a story that needs to be told. But maybe you never imagined writing a book, or never thought you could. Listen, if Snooki can “write” a book, so can you. It