Tearing the Veil of Maya

16 May 2010

FREE Park Slope's Annual 5th Ave Street and Music Fair

Man this city is so spoiled. It seems like every weekend brings some new street fair or open air market and my money just finds new and inventive ways to wander off. My only previous experience with street fairs before moving to New York involved old veterans on canes and

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
20 Sep 2009

Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival

I know this site is all about free entertainment, but some things in life are worth paying for and seeing Eugene Mirman is one of those things. Now for all those non-comedy nerds out there, Mirman plays the landlord on the HBO’s series, ‘Flight of the Conchords’. He’s done a

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0