
Dads of Teenage Daughters: You’re not the Gatekeeper of her Vagina
Dads of teenage daughters, we need to talk. Not all of you, just some of you. Just those of you who are guilty of having attended a purity ball or are in the midst of planning one. You know, those creepy father-daughter dances (or HA, balls) where the girl pledges

The Differences Between Fourteen Year Old Me, and Twenty-Six Year Old Me
I’ve been re-watching a lot of old episodes of Freaks and Geeks with my Nick Andopolis/Sam Weir hybrid of a boy toy lately (all of the philosophical stoner wisdom of Andopolis without the clinginess, and the gentlemanly quality of Weir without the hairless pits– what more could a lady ask

Broke-Ass Book List: Youth Gone Wild
Feeding your mind by reading is a Broke-Ass lifestyle essential. What other activity gets you so much for so little cost (i.e., free). I’m an avid reader, my hope is to share some of my best reads with you. Look, I admit I don’t love being around children or “tweens”.