
09 Sep 2014

Binge Watching: My Experience with a Consuming Addiction

What initially appeared to be a happy coincidence, devolved into a debilitating dependency. Around the same time I was due to take a several hour bus trip I received a couple of sets of DVDs from a friend. I had mentioned to him in passing how entertaining I find the

08 Oct 2012

Witness Moving Images Through Astoria’s Museum of the Moving Image

I have been doing my best to explore my new home and decided to expand my horizons and give Astoria a try. I was headed to the Museum of the Moving Image, which is a place any cinephile has to visit. I’ve traveled all over the country and have been

Sheilah Villari - Dollar Bin Darling 0
12 Mar 2012

Saved By the Bell: 40 Hours of Your Life You’ll Never Get Back

 Hey, did anyone really care about the guy that ran The Max?   If you are 35 and under, Saved By the Bell has played some part in your life. For better or worse. I mean, think about it. Did you ever think the show was good? No, it’s ridiculous.

Robin Hardwick - Cost-Conscious Connoisseur 0
17 Jan 2012

What The Golden Globe Awards Taught Me

I attended a Golden Globes viewing party on Sunday night. The attendees had varying levels of investment, and some were content to chatter away over the awards while others (myself included) were excited to see the results of the awards and more importantly, what everyone was wearing. One person at

Robin Hardwick - Cost-Conscious Connoisseur 0
22 Nov 2011

Being a Broke-Ass is Like Being on a Mid-90s Soap Opera

Legendary fashion editor Diana Vreeland once said, “We all need a splash of bad taste; no taste is what I’m against.” I wholeheartedly agree with this statement– which is why I am unashamed to do things like: lick the Tapatio-drenched remnants of an exploded on-the-go burrito off of my shirt,

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
02 Oct 2011

Top 5 Netflix Shows You’re Not Watching

During my stint as an unemployed person, I, perhaps stupidly, signed up for Netflix after years of holding out. I was an old-school Netflix user, back when the company’s offerings were strictly limited to DVDs by mail. But in my shrewd poverty, I chose to eliminate that service when I

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0
30 May 2010

Memorial Day Drama

Sometimes I am too poor to see a play on Broadway.  Sometimes I am too poor to see a play off-Broadway, or at an off-off-Broadway theatre, or in the basement of Two Boots Pizza.  Sometimes I am too poor to watch a movie in the theatre, or to get a

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0