the walking dead

31 May 2012

Broke-Ass Survival Guide for a Zombie Apocalypse

If you’re not already up to speed on your Walking Dead, it’s probably time you get started. With recent news of the “Miami Zombie,” 31-year-old Rudy Eugene, who was reportedly naked as he chewed off the face of an innocent homeless man, until policeman took him down after multiple fires

Paulette Greenhouse - The Penny Pincher 0
14 Oct 2011

AMC and Time Warner Cable Giving Away FREE Cupcakes Today

It’s October. Comic-Con is in town this weekend. Halloween is around the corner. How could you put these two events together to create something epic? Here’s how: have people dress up as the zombies of Robert Kirkman’s comic, The Walking Dead to promote the second season of the live-action series

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
02 Oct 2011

The Broke-Ass List of Best Post-Apocalyptic Reads

Guys, Post-apocalyptic fiction is really hot right now. Post-apoc is the new vampires. What do you mean you haven’t read The Hunger Games yet? I will watch/read anything about the impending destruction of civilzation. Probably because I’m generally cynical and dark, but it is so fascinating to me, because it provides

Robin Hardwick - Cost-Conscious Connoisseur 0