tramp stamps

How to Successfully Meet the Parents When You’re a Broke-Ass
So you’ve finally done it– you’ve met someone who makes you happy. Someone who doesn’t make you want to barf when you look at them. Someone who doesn’t care that you drool during your sleep, or sometimes like to re-enact dance sequences from Billy Elliot while wearing a Forever Lazy

Broke-Ass Style: 99 Cents Store Treasures That Will Transform You Into a Pop Diva
Last weekend, I spent my Halloween dressed as Selena (a costume which– thanks to procrastination and an extremely ill-timed thunder/snowstorm– turned out looking more like an alcoholic 90s-goth-chola in snow boots, but whatevs). I’ve always had a special place in my kinky-cop-hat-and-bustier-wearing heart for that quick-stepping ranchera, and would probably