
Just shut up and write already! – National Novel Writing Month
By reading this site, you likely are always looking for awesome ways to live your life, so you have a story that needs to be told. But maybe you never imagined writing a book, or never thought you could. Listen, if Snooki can “write” a book, so can you. It

FREE Svedka for “Being Human” Series Premiere
If the Twilight series has taught us anything, and it has clearly taught us so, so much, it is that being a sexy vampire or werewolf is a terrible hardship that ironically gets you no sex whatsoever. Unless of course you’re a happily married vampire — then you can have

Brooklyn Lyceum Fair and Derby Day Party
Now that the weather is finally cooperating it’s time to slip on something revealing and finally expose your pallid extremities to some actual sunlight. Because let’s face it, pasty skin only sparkles in teen bop vampire movies. Lucky for you, this city is experiencing an influx of outdoor markets on