vegan food

Wanna Test the Vegan Waters? ‘Mama Tried’ was my Gateway
April 5th is Go Vegan for a Day, and this past week I’ve been trying to see if this would be a) hard, b) enjoyable, and c) costly. To my surprise, it was easy, tasty, and cheap. I didn’t go in blind though I had a really wonderful cookbook to

Jamaican-style Veggie and Vegan Eats at Strictly Roots in Harlem
NYC is the city of a thousand and one restaurants – if you’re in the mood for a certain dish, there’s probably someplace that’ll make it for you. Yet, sometimes, you need something so specific that you’re left scratching your head and wondering, “Where the hell can I get that?!”

Foodswings: Cheap Vegan Fast Food in Brooklyn
Cheap vegan fast food? What the fuck? I thought vegan food was all about lengthy meals involving earth tones, tea sipping, deep conversation, and hugs that last just a little too long for comfort. Oh wait, I forgot that it’s not just hippies that are veganing out these days, somehow