
Get a Month of Core Power Yoga Just for Voting!
Been hustling to get out the vote? Feet cramped from knocking doors? Fingers sore from text-banking? Or maybe you just need some deep calming breaths after scrolling through Twitter. Decompress after the results come in with a FREE UNLIMITED MONTH at any Core Power Yoga location in the country. To

Important Midterm Campaigns Where Your Small Donations Can Help
As you know by now, the Midterm Elections are nearly upon us and we are quite literally battling the forces of evil to save our country and the world. That is not hyperbole. To be victorious the Democrats are going to have to take a number of congressional seats from

Democracy: The FREE Way to Prevent Certain A-holes From Becoming Governor
Tomorrow is election day, so now would be a good time to figure out first, what the hell we are all voting on and second, where you will do this. The big race is for governor. This choice is pretty easy. Basically, if you vote for Carl Paladino, we are