West Village

6 Things That Would Happen on the Modern Day Re-Boot of Friends
Yes, broke asses, your childhood is becoming more and more of a distant memory. A new television season is in full swing. It is fall season right now, and as we celebrate new and returning shows, like Gotham—and all of its intimidating posters splattered across all of Manhattan—Friends became 20 years

NYC Broke-Ass Valentine’s Day Roundup
What’s love on this day? It’s just another excuse to get drunk and have fun! Stimulate’s Annual Valentine’s Blood Massacre VI Wanna get a little hardcore this year? Stimulate offers a little something for the mind, the body, and the dance floor. Expect to catch bloody cupids, fallen angels and

NYC Weekend Round-Up: Male Beauty Pageant, Fun at Stonewall Inn and Tarot Card Readings in Brooklyn
Start off the first weekend of 2014 with these off-the-wall events!!! 15th Annual Mr. Lower East Side Beauty Pageant at the Cake Shop For the last 15 years the self-proclaimed Bob Barker of the Lower East Side, Rev Jen Miller, has hosted the Mr. Lower East Side Beauty Pageant. It’s

Screw Love: The Broke-Ass Anti-Valentine’s Day Round-Up
There’s nothing quite like a slew of glittery cardboard hearts, strategically plastered throughout the lifeless windows of New York City’s retail stores, prepping themselves for that one day in February. There isn’t another imitation holiday that can arrogantly compete, nothing else that simply screams out: commercialized holiday bastardizing the idea

See Keith Haring’s Famous Bathroom Mural– FREE at The Center
Look around you– art is everywhere. It’s mounted gloriously on the white walls of the museum, in gorgeous sculpture gardens, and displayed on the refrigerators of doting parents. And sometimes, great art is found in the crapper. At least if you’re the legendary artist Keith Haring, who painted an awe-inducing,

What To Do On Sunday? Go Crawling For Cupcakes
There’s something about pastries that make me happy. Okay, I’ll admit it I’m a fat-ass and I tend to overindulge on desserts. There, I said it. My belly cannot tell a lie. If someone says there’s cake in the vicinity, my eyes open up and I tend to rummage through

Burgers, Beers and Bears at Julius
This is the oldest gay bar in the city, and by far one of my favorite places to go in the afternoons to get away from the typical West Village crowd. Here you can not only get one of the best grilled burgers in NYC for only Five bucks –