World Financial Center

FREE Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration At World Financial Center
Chinese New Year is always an enjoyable festival for those not familiar with the Chinese culture. You learn new things and have fun all while enjoying a new experience. Most importantly, if you were one of the few people working on New Year’s Eve, you get a chance to celebrate

Canstruction at the World Financial Center through Nov. 21st
The 19th annual Canstruction competition runs through November 21st at the World Financial Center Winter Garden. Each year, contestants construct displays using only cans of food. They are not allowed to damage the can or label so very little to no adhesive is used. The entrants this year include an

FREE This Weekend: Pongtopia at The World Financial Center
Pongtopia, now this is an event so powerful it couldn’t be limited to just one day. From Thursday, November 3rd-Saturday, November 5th be prepared for an onslaught of table tennis at the World Financial Center. On Thursday we begin with the Expo & Open Play from 12-2pm. The Main Court

Two More Days to Visit Canstruction
The 2010 Canstruction competition is almost over! The annual contest to build the most interesting sculpture entirely out of full cans of food will be on display for another two days at the World Financial Center Winter Garden. This year’s entrants include a can version of The Standard Hotel, Mr.