The ABC’s of Broke-itude
Being a Broke Ass – It’s elementary, my dear. Abstinence. From fancy ass parties in the Meatpacking District where a gin and tonic will set you back fourteen bucks. Blue, purple. Blue, purple. Blue, purple. AKA – all you see after a particularly draining day of job hunting on Craigslist.

What I Learned About Dating from the Chinatown YMCA
If you want me to like you, you don’t have to take me out to dinner or buy me things. You don’t have to have a fancy job, or live in a trendy neighborhood. You don’t even have to dress well. Besides finding someone who can feed me, there’s just

The Cheapest Gyms Ever?
Gyms. We’ve lost site of their true purpose. Locker rooms with Bay Rum, moisturizer, and whatever fancy stuff women use. Since when does working out demand immediate pampering? I learned some perspective after a year working out in Nicaragua. There were 3 types of gyms where I lived. Gym