Arts and CultureNew York

DayGlo Saber Battle in Washington Square Park

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When DayGlo was beginning to be manufactured on a large scale, you might have gotten away with describing it simply as a combination of particular dyes and resins that produce bright colors with the unique effect of glowing under ultraviolet light.   But, thanks to the freaky fairy fingers of  the Merry Pranksters, I don’t consider any of its other uses (like security measures on goods of value to deter counterfeiting). Nope,  all I think about is “freaking out the squares”.  And sweet posters.  I mean, in Tom Wolf’s “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test” it seems like the troupe, fried out of their collective gourd, is painting  a big, fat, neon swath across the country.

In the same spirit, there is a free, participatory  Saber Battle royale  in Washington Square Park where 3,000 DayGlo’d, meter-long cardboard tubes will be handed out.  Wear black or neon.    Supposedly there is an afterparty at a loft in Brooklyn after every tube is “DESTROYED”.   May the force be with your Cool Breeze.

When: Saturday, April 25th  8:15ish pm (when it gets dark)

Where: Washington Square Park

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