Slideshow and Tell/ FREE Comedy Show
Slideshow and Tell
There is no outlet like show and tell in the adult world. In elementary school, you got your five minutes a week to get your classmates excited about the shell you found on the beach, and you’d get to hear about their new pet kittens or robot action figures. Then you got to middle school. You were excited that you didn’t actually have to write exclusively in cursive, but you never got the proper opportunity to show off the giant plastic lobster you bought in Texas. “Maybe we’re not in kindergarten anymore,” says Molly Riordan, “but that’s all the more reason why that type of sharing is important.”
So she started Slideshow and Tell, a collection of rapid fire slide shows with an arbitrary time limit around a central theme. It kicks off tomorrow night with six panelists talking about subjects like Newtown creek, illustrations about the environment of despair and the evolution of a craft fair. It’ll be like show and tell, with booze instead of juice boxes. (Someone should combine the two).
Slideshow and Tell
Pete’s Candy Store
709 Lorimer Street between Frost and Richardson [Williamsburg, Brooklyn]
Thursday, January 28, 7pm
BVP and Bar Matchless Comedy with Americans UK
There’s no reason to pay for comedy in New York. You can simply watch your friends get sucked into playing pool with heavy metal stock characters at bars, or go to tapings or stand up nights that don’t lick balls. Adding to the list of great free comedy nights is Brooke Van Poppelen’s new show at Bar Matchless. It kicks off tomorrow night with Leo Allen, Hannibal Buress, Carla Rhodes, Brent Sullivan, herself and music from Americans UK. The best part? It’s completely FREE.
BVP and Bar Matchless Comedy Night
Bar Matchless
557 Manhattan Avenue at Driggs Avenue [Greenpoint, Brooklyn]
Thursday, January 28, 9pm