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AMC and Time Warner Cable Giving Away FREE Cupcakes Today

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It’s October. Comic-Con is in town this weekend. Halloween is around the corner. How could you put these two events together to create something epic? Here’s how: have people dress up as the zombies of Robert Kirkman’s comic, The Walking Dead to promote the second season of the live-action series on AMC. Want to add some more über-coolness to this? They’re going to be giving out FREE cupcakes!!!

Now I’ve already admitted to my addiction to pastries but I’ve yet to reveal my love for comic books. Let me tell you, The Walking Dead is a great comic and the television series isn’t too bad either. It’s always nice to see an astonishing piece of work get its moment in the spotlight and now thanks to those greedy bastards at Time Warner Cable (I’m just kidding. Please don’t add extra fees to my bill.) I can enjoy a cupcake from the Cupcake Shop.

This is how it’s going to work. A truck full of zombies will be at Madison Square Park handing out some delicious cupcakes from 11am-3pm. They’ll be parked precisely on Madison Avenue and 26th street. I’m almost positive that this little event will be hard not to see if you just happen to be passing by.

So if you just happen to be bored or be in the neighborhood, get yourself a cupcake and run from a zombie. It might just spice up the regular T.G.I.F routine.

AMC & Time Warner Cable Present FREE Cupcakes
Friday, October 14th, 2011 from 11-am-3pm
FREE Cupcakes
Madison Square Park (Madison Avenue and 26th street)

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Calling all Broke-Ass Moms

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage

My father came, my mother saw...and I conquered. I encourage children to do drugs, I buy alcohol for teenagers, and I drink beer with the homeless. In my spare time, I attend art galleries for the FREE booze while rubbing elbows with modish elephants. I also hammer six-inch nails into small penises. Stuart knighted me as Broke-Ass King of New York. You've been warned.