Win a Butthole Bear! Yes, You Read That Right!
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Whether you are for or against the day of love, better known as Valentine’s Day, a gift is surely needed. Even those who are proudly single and loving it may just want to give a gift to themselves, and that is completely acceptable! But for those that do have a significant other, chocolates, flowers, another iPhone case or musky cologne just doesn’t cut it anymore. Creativity is key, along with a good sense of humor. Behold the Butthole Bear, which is the gift that keeps on giving, even if your relationship falls flat. At first it looks just like your typical teddy bear, but once you flip it over and stick you finger in its butthole, you’ll see it’s not. Not only does it make farting noises, it also talks dirty to you, all in a Teddy Ruxpin like voice. Check this video to see what I mean.
Handmade in Woodside, CA, we’re giving one Butthole Bear away for free in honor of Valentine’s Day. Yes, free, no catch. Okay, maybe a little catch: For your chance to win email, with “bear” as the title or follow Twisted Toys on Twitter (@TwistedToys). You’ll have to tweet them one of these 3 lovely phrases from our innocent little bear:
1. Mr. Sanchez, is that you?
2. How about a donkey punch?
3. Is that all I get?!
Ahh, love at its finest! But don’t despair, even if you do not win, the love can still be shared with a special discount code for you fabulous BAS readers! Get 10% off your order between now and Valentine’s when you use this code: MRSANCHEZ only at Happy Vday ya’ll!