BA of the Week: Writer Dana Sitar
Every week we feature a different person from the community shedding a little light on their life of brokeitude. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something about the human spirit — probably not.
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Dana has been writing professionally since 2010, blogging unabashedly since 2011, and traveling perpetually since she discovered that one feature article could purchase enough gas for a cross-country road trip. She covers stand-up comedy for SF Weekly, and she shares resources, tips, and tools for writers at DIY Writing. To help other broke-ass writers with big dreams, Dana created these free tools. Check them out. They’re free.
Name: Dana Sitar
Age: 26 (but that’s subject to change)
Occupation: Freelance journalist & indie author
What neighborhood do you live in?: Currently couch-surfing around the Bay. My favorite is the Mission, so if anyone has a free couch there… call me.
Best money saving tip: Couch-surf instead of paying rent
Actually, my best tip is learn how to pay some other way. Know what value you can offer someone – can you cook, clean, offer a ride, edit their novel, film their wedding, or introduce them to someone important? Accept handouts like food and a place to sleep from wealthier friends, and use these things to pay them back so you don’t wear out your welcome.
What do you refuse to spend money on?: I won’t buy fancy name-brand stuff, like Sam’s Choice and Faded Glory. I buy thrift and store brand only.
Most expensive thing you’ve ever bought: I have an iPhone 4, so that was a big purchase, and the bill every month is pricey.
How’d that feel?: Awesome. I feel like the 1% every time I tweet.
Favorite cheap eat: Taqueria Cancun on Mission Street.
Favorite dive bar: Dirty Trix Saloon. See comedy there on Wednesday nights and the 3rd Saturdays for free, and drink $3 PBR and $3.50 rail drinks. Plus they have Chicago Bears stuff all over, which makes me feel at home – I’m from Wisconsin, and it reminds me to hate Illinois for a few hours.
Best deal you’ve ever gotten: I just stayed in a hotel in Vegas for $22 a night. A decent one, with a pool and clean sheets.
Favorite free thing to do: Hike. That’s so stereotypically California, isn’t it? But I get exercise, a tan, and an afternoon of entertainment from it, plus a few days of feeling better than everyone else.
If you woke up a millionaire, what’s the first thing you’d buy?: Plane tickets. To everywhere. (Simultaneously, a passport.)
Despite not having money, do you still love your life?: Yeah. Sometimes I love it more because I don’t have money. I have a romantic fascination with these old writers like Charles Bukowski and Henry Miller and how poor they were, so I celebrate being a “starving artist”. I just read Quiet Days in Clichy whenever I start to worry about money.
Do you own my book?: Does that cost money?
Best hangover cure: Grow up. Know how to handle your alcohol.
Are you a hipster?: No. I’m just a poor person with good style.