The KKK Sucks At The Internet (and fact checking)
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What can you say about the Klan that hasn’t already been said? Ignorant. Hateful. Cowards. Murderers. Terrorists. So their websites must be the goddamn worst.
BUT you’d be surprised how much some, like The Loyal White Knights of the KKK, are ODDLY WELCOMING.
To a point.
But maybe they’re just confused?
Still learning how being online works?
Are the scenic snapshots supposed to allude to a world rid of ALL people?
They’re definitely ignorant.
They obviously need to fire their fact checker.
Just a simple Google search sets the truth free.
But you know that’s America; where adults have the freedom to feel how they want no matter…
Good fucking christ….. But that’s just one Klan page (wow)
There’s another that’s claims a non-violent lifestyle now, and at least recognizes what it’s place in history has been.
Alright. They seem nice.
Oh. Nevermind…
List of Violent activities attributed to the Klan throughout the years.
Much like Kelly Anne Conway, these idiots don’t even know how to fact check themselves while spewing hateful AND inaccurate propaganda. The Klan is all about “Alternative Facts“. Which may help explain the rhetoric we are seeing from our new administration.
This isn’t a conspiracy theory. It’s a sad reality.