new york latest

12 Mar 2020

What To Do If You Are Sick

What To Do If You Are Sick with Coronavirus aka Covid-19 Call your doctor:  If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever1 and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider immediately. This information comes directly from the Center of Disease

12 Mar 2020

Coronavirus Conference Gets Canceled Because of Coronavirus

The Council on Foreign Relations has canceled a roundtable called “Doing Business Under Coronavirus” scheduled for Friday in New York due to the spread of the very same disease.   Yes, the conference on ‘how to do businesses’, during a pandemic, was cancelled because of said, pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO)

09 Mar 2020

What Do Centennials Say About Living Such Long Lives?

by Limus Woods Recently, on February 24th, 2020,  the world’s oldest man died. His name was Mr. Chitetsu Watanabe, he was from Japan, and he’d lived to be 112 years old. I was like “Damn! Do I even wanna live that long??” I guess if I had a good life

Guest Writer 0
09 Mar 2020

Sex Workshops Should Be More Widely Available and Attended

by Kate Brunotts I recently attended my 3rd Babeland workshop, and I came out glowing as ever. Babeland, a feminist-founded sex shop, gives out free sex education workshops to the general public with great names like “Talk Dirty to Me” or “March into Pleasure.” In a short span of 3

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09 Mar 2020

Love is NOT Blind (According to Science)

by Laurie Riihimaki It’s no big shocker that the modern dating world totally blows. Over the past decade, social media and dating apps have become a necessary evil in the pursuit of love. And singles are feeling more desperate than ever as they swipe left on Tinder, scroll down Facebook

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09 Mar 2020

The United States’ Sad History of Soft-Brain Presidential Campaigns

by Xan Holbrook As much as the world loves to pretend it doesn’t give a shit about the US election, it is the one event in world politics which draws the most deserved attention (I say deserved, as people ought to fret at least a little bit about whatever Caligula

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06 Mar 2020

Using Delicious Food, to Squash Coronavirus Xenophobia

As coronavirus continues to spread, there’s a food centric tour company providing a self-guided San Francisco Chinatown food tour to highlight Chinese cuisine and culture. Misinformation and ignorance is leading to xenophobic acts and heavy drops in Asian restaurant attendance. Avital Tours, a culinary experience company in San Francisco, Los


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