new york latest

06 Mar 2020


As coronavirus continues to spread, there’s a food centric tour company providing a self-guided San Francisco Chinatown food tour to highlight Chinese cuisine and culture. Misinformation and ignorance is leading to xenophobic acts and heavy drops in Asian restaurant attendance. Avital Tours, a culinary experience company in San Francisco, Los

03 Mar 2020


Need new music for your morning commute?  Meet Iyabo, an up-and-coming singer whose sultry sound blends soul, rap, and alternative RnB.  This former church choir singer lives and works in New York, and she recently dropped her first music video for “OLUMO ROCK.”  Iyabo’s music explores her experience as a

Kirsten Chen 0
02 Mar 2020

Invading Afghanistan Remains a Historically Bad Idea

by Xan Holbrook It’s approaching cliche among historians and history buffs to say that Afghanistan is unconquerable. However, its reputation as the toughest nut to crack in geo-politics – from the Parthian Empire until now – is not meritless. For most Americans, Afghanistan first permeated the national psyche during the

Guest Writer 0
02 Mar 2020

Is Pink Noise the New White Noise?

by Laurie Riihimaki The method of using white noise to get some deeper zzz’s is tried and true. Many of us can’t sleep without the noise of a fan or an AC blasting in our rooms. The more sophisticated white noise-lovers even opt for apps that have an array of

Guest Writer 0
28 Feb 2020

How to Prepare for Coronavirus

One of the hopes when watching China’s coronavirus outbreak was that the harm was exaggerated. However now that San Francisco has declared a state of emergency Tuesday, we all need to start paying more attention and prepare for coronavirus. According to The Atlantic, Marc Lipsitch, a Harvard University epidemiologist, predicts

A. Rose 0
24 Feb 2020

What Brought Down the Boy Scouts?

by Kate Brunotts Amongst hundreds of open sexual assault cases, Boy Scouts of America has officially filed for bankruptcy. Boy Scouts, which serves as the largest scouting organization, is no stranger to controversy. Let’s take a look at how the collective’s problematic policies were bound to lead them astray.  Sexual

Guest Writer 0
24 Feb 2020

I’m Worried About Quaden Bayles

by [redacted] Last week a heartbreaking video of a 9-year-old kid in Australia went viral. His name was Quaden Bayles, and he was being bullied in school. He was sobbing on camera begging his mother to give him a knife so he could kill himself. The mother said that this

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