new york latest

28 Sep 2009

FREE Wizard of Oz Screening and Concert in Central Park

Take a minute to sing “One of these thing is not like the others” (or watch Cookie Monster sing it) while you try to figure out which of these things that just doesn’t belong: John Cleese, The Grapes of Wrath, Hewlett Packard, The Wizard of Oz, the La Guardia Airport

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
28 Sep 2009

"I Kill You, Scum": Clean the Bathroom

My bedroom currently has clothes strewn on a chair, on the floor, a stack of magazines perched precariously on the bedside table and a series of glasses which grows each day since my boyfriend simply must have a glass of water next to the bed at night but cannot seem

BAS Writers 0
27 Sep 2009

Great Gatsby! It's the Jazz Age Lawn Party

Not everybody does “costumes.” They smack of  frat parties and drama kids that never grow up. Plus you run the risk of looking like an ass if you go anywhere after the party.  But add to the mix fancy french cocktails, free food and a gramophone and you got yourself

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
26 Sep 2009

13th Annual D.U.M.B.O. Art Under The Bridge Festival

Many moons ago, when I first wandered through DUMBO, I recall being struck by the strange space arrangement and the unique energy of this neighborhood.  Pancaked between, around, and underneath the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and situated on the water with a stunning view of lower Manhattan, today’s DUMBO has

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0
25 Sep 2009

I Heart New York and Stuff

Few things are more iconic than the I “HEART” NY logo that has been emblazoned on shopping bags, T-shirts and virtually everything else imaginable and has spawned a billion imitators.  The designer,  seminal creative icon Milton Glaser has been honored at an SVA exhibition devoted to his work and this

BAS Writers 0
25 Sep 2009

Penny Beer and Quarter Bourbon at Ellis Bar!

Normally, bartenders get pissed when people pay for drinks with fists full of change. Sure, you can buy booze with the change festering at the bottom of your bag. It just usually involves plunking down a stack of nickels and dimes in the Plexiglas window at a bodega. Sitting on

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
24 Sep 2009

Broke-Ass of the Week – Jesika Gorton

Every week we feature a different person from the community shedding a little light on their life of brokeitude.  Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something about the human spirit’probably not. Wanna be a Broke-Ass of the Week?  Holler at us here and we’ll send you the questionnaire. This time around our Broke-Ass of

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0

Gimme Your Stinkin' Email

So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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