new york latest

22 Mar 2020

White Supremacist Groups Push to Spread Coronavirus to Cops and Jews

As if things couldn’t get any worse, we’ve now got Nazis encouraging each other to spread coronavirus to the police and to Jews. According to this story that just came out on ABC News, the FBI released a report on Thursday saying it has intercepted online messages from far right

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
22 Mar 2020

Call to Artists: Submit your work for the COVID CREATIVE CONVENTION

Via – Shane Izykowski of The Drawing From Experience Creative Community “A Germ Free Shopping Experience the Whole Family is Forced to Endure!” Quarantined? Coronafied? Yeah, we feel ya. In fact, artists are the self-proclaimed masters of social distancing, so maybe you need some helpful advice. We gotchoo. Your solution

22 Mar 2020

Open Letter from a Mother with Coronavirus in the Bay Area

This is an open letter from a Mother in the Bay Area who has lived with Covid-19 for weeks now.  She, understandably wishes to remain anonymous, but we have spoken with her on the phone, and verified her story.  What she says is the truth, and it is important.  It

20 Mar 2020

Eighteen Tunes to Screw To, While You’re Stuck Inside

This story was originally published on Broke Ass Stuart’s Goddamn Website five years ago. Here, it’s been updated and also includes a Spotify link. Cue up the entire playlist with a single click: Eighteen Tunes to Screw To And stay tuned for a follow-up list the next week or two.

Dan Nazarian - Uninformed Informant 0
19 Mar 2020

A Bay Area Family Infected with Coronavirus Tells Harrowing Story

If you still think coronavirus is a distant threat, please read this story about a family who has been living with the virus since March 1st in the Bay Area. The reported number of Covid-19 cases in California as of March 18th was 869. But the actual number of infections

19 Mar 2020

Tenant Info: The Government Response to Evictions During this Pandemic

Ask a Tenants Right’s Lawyer is your chance to learn how to survive as a renter in San Francisco.  Attorney Daniel Wayne has a lot of the information you need to keep you in your home.  Got a question? Send an email to and we will forward it on. As you are

16 Mar 2020

How to Get (or Lose) Freelance Creative Work

by Laurie Riihimaki I am a full-time freelance writer and editor and in my work, I communicate with a lot of different kinds of people. As a managing editor, I work with writers, mainly. But, I also conduct interviews with celebrities, entrepreneurs, and other creatives. It’s actually a pretty cool

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So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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