Alex Mak - Managing Editor

22 Jun 2018

The Most Anticipated Video Games of 2018 & 2019

Our new Tech Column was made possible by the fine folks at Mozilla Firefox.  The nonprofit Mozilla Foundation believes the Internet must always remain a global public resource that is open and accessible to all.  And that’s why we love Firefox. The Los Angelos Convention Center was buzzing with 60,000+ marketers

19 Jun 2018

Why I don’t Stand for the “Anthem”

By Harvey Rifkin The reason I would stand for the “Anthem” or any other institution or icon would be out of reverence and major respect for the institution out of its foundational integrity and moral behavior. Unfortunately, due to my read of America’s racist, barbaric, imperialistic, sexist, misogynistic, and greedy

10 May 2018

This Week’s News, America, People’s Park, & People’s Strikes

We’ve got a loaded news wrap for you, stacked full of history, homeless, strikes and being black in America. Here goes…   Fight Brewing at People’s Park There’s a long history of resistance at the site of Berkeley’s People’s Park – it was actually built by the community itself out

12 Apr 2018

These E-Scooters Need to Be Stopped, And We Know How to Do it

On St. Patricks Day, former Uber executives and venture capitalists began dropping electric scooters on the streets of San Francisco like locusts.  They didn’t ask anyone’s permission (which is the Uber business model in more ways than one), they just started dumping e-scooters into the Financial District and near commuter hubs.  So while people

29 Mar 2018

Kristin Farr : Artist You Should Know

The “Artist You Should Know” series highlights Bay Area artists before they exhibit their work somewhere awesome, it’s our way of supporting the creative community and helping to keep San Francisco a strange and wonderful place.  Meet artist and journalist Kristin Farr, and see her work at First Amendment Gallery on 4/20/18. Free admission

22 Mar 2018

A Great City Program Replaces Vandalism with Street Art

You know what is a proven and effective graffiti deterrent?   Street art.  You can spend millions of dollars on anti-graffiti task forces and cleanup crews, but if you really want taggers to leave a wall alone, your best bet is to pay a local artist a few thousand bucks to paint

23 Jan 2018

Harry Potter Written in a Scottish Brogue is Fantastic

Somethings in life are objectively delightful.  “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stane (Scots Language Edition)” is one of those things.  Writer and poet Mathew Fitt has ‘Traslatit” the book “intae Scots” as he puts it, and if you’ve ever heard a Scottish brogue in your life, reading some of Harry