Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy

14 Dec 2010

Bear Hands Rock/Jam/Groove at Bowery Ballroom

The Brooklyn indie scene is dominated by electro outfits looking to make quick cash from free software on their laptops. While their aesthetic can be admirably DIY, their sound more often than not comes off as POS. Every now and then, though, a band comes along unafraid to sit behind

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
13 Dec 2010

Lucy's Is Your Grandma's House But With Whiskey

When I hear terms like “slumming it in the East Village” or “East Village dive” I immediately conjure up images of pretentious blog douchebags who think that because there’s graffiti on the walls that this is a bad part of town oooooooh. Let’ s be real; the East Village has

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
07 Dec 2010

Hear From Some of Funny's Finest at Tell Your Friends!

It takes a sharp mind and brass balls to be funny. You’re always risking humiliation with every quip, anecdote, or pun you put out there in the world to ideally get some laughs but more likely than not will just get groans (especially with puns). When someone steps up to

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
06 Dec 2010

Daddy's Treats the Neighborhood Right

It takes a long time to establish oneself as a “neighborhood” institution. From deli counters to comic stores to interestingly dressed hobos, earning the title requires patience and diligence along with just the right vibe. Despite it being relatively new to the scene, Daddy’s in the Billburg has been striving

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
30 Nov 2010

De-Grinch at Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting

Welcome to New York during Yule season, suckers. It’s a time of great mirth-sucking and merriment-destroying. From the Black Friday stampedes to Christmas Eve traffic, rarely does a city unify so absolutely under the banner of pissy mood. Holiday magic is in short order, despite what Macy’s would have you

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
23 Nov 2010

Voidwell Homecoming Dance Better Than Your Homecoming

Brooklyn, for better or worse, has a glut of musicians and performers who get dubbed “cutting edge” or “the hot new thing.” Much like the terms “awesome,” “extreme,” or “neo-c0nservative,” these terms are overused to the point of becoming meaningless, no different from say “um” or “er” in your sentence.

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
22 Nov 2010

Capital "C" Cafe Experience at Roots Cafe

You’ve seen a French movie, right? You know how the ludicrously attractive, ethereal girl will talk about stuff with the swarthy guy over coffee? They’ll be musing about love, life, or whatever with their pretty lips while even-tempo jazz and the clinks of coffee cups happen in the background? And

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0