Guest Writer

07 Jun 2017

NYC Summer Grub Series: The Chelsea Market

By Jonas Barnes  NYC is a city full of anything and everything you could want. Entertainment, 5-star cuisine, drinks and homeless men masturbating are just a sample of the indulgences you can take part of every day in NYC. As the summer rolls in, the city unleashes pure culinary bliss

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06 Jun 2017

So Your Hero is a Monster: Dealing with Disillusionment

By Hannah Harkness My Facebook feed lit up early last week with the familiar sight of my friends learning that their hero isn’t who they thought they were. This time around, it was Glenn Danzig. He defended Trump’s travel ban and said that Planned Parenthood shouldn’t be selling baby parts

Guest Writer 0
02 Jun 2017

5 Creative and Free Alternatives to Therapy

By Katie Barbaro Let’s face it: therapy is expensive and rarely covered by insurance. You’ve probably asked yourself, “Do I want to pay out of pocket for an hour-long therapy session or feed myself for a month?” (Answer: FEED YOURSELF, per Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.) Ideally, therapy will someday be

Guest Writer 0
31 May 2017

Chemistry NYC: A Sex Party for the Solo Female Traveler

By Rebecca Rush Picture this: first, you’re a woman. That’s pretty important to this scenario. Once you do that, picture this: you’re naked in a dojo in Bushwick on a Saturday night with 150 others. You came alone, you’ll cum together, and then you will leave blissfully alone. You aren’t

Guest Writer 0
30 May 2017

A Beginner’s Guide to The Rocky Horror Picture Show

By Hannah Harkness I first found the Rocky Horror Picture Show the same way a lot of people in my generation found it. When I was a teenager, I was flipping through channels around Halloween and paused momentarily on VH1. Something came on the screen and I said: “Wow…this is

Guest Writer 0
26 May 2017

3 Awkward Responses People Have When You Mention Your Eating Disorder

By Katie Barbaro May is Mental Health Awareness Month—AKA a great excuse to write a light-hearted article about my eating disorder. Let’s dive into the heavy background-y stuff first, shall we? I’ve had an unhealthy relationship with food for as long as I can remember. When I was 8, I

Guest Writer 0
24 May 2017

Australians Furious Over Movie Where a Guy Bangs Other Guy with Didgeridoo

  By Jonas Barnes A guy fucked another guy on film with a didgeridoo, and Australia is pissed off. Now I want you to read that sentence again, slowly, and savor all of the mental flavor profiles you’re getting out of it. Swish it around in your brain like a

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