Guest Writer

What It’s Like Being Married to a Nonbinary Person in a Binary World
Guest Post by Max Silver We live in a world conditioned to believe there are only two genders: man and woman, boy and girl. Likewise, our minds are geared towards binary thinking-patterns. Everything is right or wrong, odd or even, yes or no, up or down, black or white. The

Your Work is Worth Something, Get Paid for your Side Hustle
By Rachel Fogletto In the world of art and entertainment many of us find ourselves in the uncomfortable position of constantly getting asked to work for free. Most of my experience with this is in comedy, which unless you’re nationally famous, people still think is not “real” work, even when

The Conversation We Should Be Having About the Aziz Ansari Incident
GUEST POST BY JILLIAN YORK In the past week, we’ve seen a new round of Feminists vs. Feminists. In one corner, we have young feminists, righteously angry at comedian Aziz Ansari and supportive of his pseudonymous accuser “Grace” and Babe, the publication that told her story. In the other corner,

How Charlottesville and Gamergate are Completely Related
Guest Post by Xennial-in-Chief Breathe. This is for your own good. James Damore said, “I do not support the alt-right.” He said this in response to the revelation that alt-right groups supported him after his firing from Google for writing and posting a 10-page memo on the company’s discussion board. In

The Future of Horror Is Bright
By Jonas Barnes When I first laid eyes on “The Exorcist“, I shit my pants. Was it fear or was it the fact that I was a 6 year old? I guess we’ll never know the answer to that question. It did, however, set off a chain of events that

Marie’s Crisis: The Best House Party You’ve Ever Been To
By Katie Barbaro Do you live in New York and occasionally feel disconnected from humanity and worried that the world might be breaking? Me too! Living in New York (and on this planet in general) might be stressful, but it also comes with some built-in coping mechanisms. One of which

The Story Behind the Dick Pic Art Show
By Rebecca Rush A picture may be worth a thousand words, but sometimes it takes a thousand pictures to say one word: NO. Artist Kidd Bell’s I Didn’t Ask For This: A Lifetime of Dick Pics SF Edition will be tonight and tomorrow at SOMArts. Although tonight’s tickets are sold out online,