Best Cafes To Write Sad Poetry In NYC
Regardless of the current holiday trend, season, or weather, there’s ALWAYS a reason to be miserable in NYC. Whether you’re dealing with rent hikes, stepping over dead rats in your brand new heels, getting groped on the subway, or an insufferable co-worker who constantly gets promoted over you, the tension
The Best Anti-Trump Protest Signs
By Mar-Li Pitcher You know the saying that every cloud has a silver lining? I mean, unless Trump is president, in which case we’re all fucked? Since Republicans were somehow hypnotized by Trump’s rhetoric and allowed Trump to be their candidate, it’s been nothing but an onslaught and a descent
The Best Ways to Poison Your Ex-Lover
What? If you’re reading this, you’ve totally thought of it. No need to be coy, Roy. **This is in no way meant to harm anyone, especially any of my crappy ex lovers. As sassy as my advice may be, I do not look good in orange. Ain’t no way I’m
Shia LaBeouf: The Crazy Boyfriend You Want and Why
It’s hard to know what to look for in a boyfriend these days. Between the gender bending, fake news, and the increasing likelihood that we’re going to be the generation that fights, (and loses) WWIII-you’re gonna need a boyfriend who’s flexible enough to go along with whatever happens next. Whether
After The Women’s March, Now What?
The Women’s March in NYC the day after the Inauguration was monumental. By now you’ve heard about the unity, solidarity, and strength felt by many as they participated in the march with hundreds of thousands of other similarly-outraged people–250,000 people, approximately–and millions more in cities across the country and the
Immigration Ban Ends America As We Know It
JFK airport erupted this weekend as Trump’s travel ban left many across the globe stranded or facing the mid-air shock that upon landing they would be placed in detainment instead of with loved ones. Here’s how it happened and an investigation into what so many new border walls, both concrete and
The Best Anti-Nazi Themed Cocktails
Sometimes something great happens online and is immediately memed to death and repeated to the point of nausea within what I guess we can refer to as a “meme cycle”. Ken Bone went from kind of funny to pretty weird within a week. Chewbacca Mom actually became a bad person