
09 Feb 2010

Peephole – FREE Music, Live Show!

Now, I have a story to tell you.  It starts out sad, but the ending is happy, so I’d recommend that you read it until the end.  Is it true?  You’ll have to figure that one out for yourself.  Here we go. Once upon a time a boy by the

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0
08 Feb 2010

Two Pop Burgers for 88 Cents!

I think the last time I was in Pop Burger, my friends and I tried to start a dance party in the bar portion. The bouncers were having none of it, and even told us to stop when we started dancing in an area with less traffic. I don’t hold

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
08 Feb 2010

Hill Country BBQ's Feed Your Face Challenge

In case there’s a chance that you didn’t stuff your face quite fully enough on Superbowl Sunday while watching my hero, Queen Latifah sing the national anthem, Texas-style BBQ-ery Hill Country is hosting one of the most daunting eating challenges I’ve been apprised of since Adam Orellana stomped on a

BAS Writers 0
07 Feb 2010

FREE Food, Pigskin and Pin-Ups All Day

As someone who normally avoids football at all costs, but also has a secret love of hot wings, the Super Bowl is a conflicting event for me. I enjoy the festive atmosphere and flowing beer but not so much the fist pumping and sporadic yelling. But the Who is playing

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
06 Feb 2010

Short People on the Train

Short people’I am watching you.  That means you’yah, you, short lady.  You probably don’t think I can see you because I am taller than you.  Well, around 5’8” if you must know.  And you are what, maybe 5 feet?  Interesting.  My sister is 5 feet tall so maybe I am

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0
05 Feb 2010

Ra Ra Riot and the Antlers at BAM

So if you’re one of those people who, like Anna G., loves live music you’ve probably seen a bunch of shows during this past weeks Sounds Like Brooklyn festival. Tomorrow is the last day of the festival and I think most shows are already sold out but tonight?  Tonight’s Friday–Friday!!

BAS Writers 0
05 Feb 2010

$5 Pad Thai Party at Note Thai

Elementary school was awesome for random food rewards. If you got enough stars on a chalkboard, brought in the most canned goods, or stayed quiet during spelling tests, you occasionally received pizza, pop corn, or ice cream parties. Now that we’re adults, we’re just expected to do well and buy

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0