
30 Jan 2010

FREE* Workouts Plus Exotic Travel!

Recently, broke ass writer, Laura, wrote about workout alternatives for winter. In the city I would like to add my two cents about a fantastic way to get in shape while helping out a good cause’and it is all for FREE*! . You may have noticed that there is an

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0
29 Jan 2010

Restaurant Behavior: Avoid Irritating the Waitstaff

I’ve been waiting tables off and on for about 10 years, and I spent my first year in Brooklyn waiting tables at a diner in Park Slope. It was a fantastic cultural introduction to New York. When a lady ordered an egg cream, I had to go ask the other

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
28 Jan 2010

VBar Cafe NYC

Everyone knows the tired cliches of people setting up their laptops in public and banging away at the keys to make themselves feel more writerly. But sometimes you really do need to work someplace that isn’t your messy house, or a depressing, urine soaked library. For that purpose, my favorite

BAS Writers 0
28 Jan 2010

FREE Live Music to Heat Up The Winter Months

I think I just now realized that there are MONTHS (plural!) left in winter. It has passed the point where the season is a charming novelty. I have finally grasped that for at least two more months there will be darkness, there will be cold and most importantly, there will

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0
27 Jan 2010

Slideshow and Tell/ FREE Comedy Show

Slideshow and Tell There is no outlet like show and tell in the adult world. In elementary school, you got your five minutes a week to get your classmates excited about the shell you found on the beach, and you’d get to hear about their new pet kittens or robot

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
26 Jan 2010

Free Comedy Tapings

Ever notice how all the free events you’d love to see are all offered in the middle of the day? I know not everyone has to do the ol 9-5, but in my head everyone is out frolicking in the streets going to museums, and happy hours that start at

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
26 Jan 2010

Kiss and Tell Speakeasy + $5 Pasta Dinner

Anyone remember Chumley’s?  This restored 1920s speakeasy-turned-restaurant/bar was described in New York Magazine as ‘œcluttered with dog-eared photos of famous writers and the jackets of their most influential tomes’ It’s not hard to imagine Hemingway and Fitzgerald bickering in a back corner over a few too many whiskeys.’  With a

Danielle Levanas - Bargain Soul Huntress 0