Arts and Culture

BAS Poetry: A Long Pause in a Small Town
Broke-Ass Stuart is now accepting poetry submissions to be featured in the BAS Poetry: Arts & Culture column. Written & curated by Corinne Avganim. It is HOT in San Francisco, which I’ve decided means I am on a visceral vacation. Sitting in the heat, drinking a cold one, and reading pretty words about

NYC Summer Grub Series: The Chelsea Market
By Jonas Barnes NYC is a city full of anything and everything you could want. Entertainment, 5-star cuisine, drinks and homeless men masturbating are just a sample of the indulgences you can take part of every day in NYC. As the summer rolls in, the city unleashes pure culinary bliss

So Your Hero is a Monster: Dealing with Disillusionment
By Hannah Harkness My Facebook feed lit up early last week with the familiar sight of my friends learning that their hero isn’t who they thought they were. This time around, it was Glenn Danzig. He defended Trump’s travel ban and said that Planned Parenthood shouldn’t be selling baby parts

A Beginner’s Guide to The Rocky Horror Picture Show
By Hannah Harkness I first found the Rocky Horror Picture Show the same way a lot of people in my generation found it. When I was a teenager, I was flipping through channels around Halloween and paused momentarily on VH1. Something came on the screen and I said: “Wow…this is

When a Pro-Trump Rally Happens in a Small Liberal Town
By Rebecca Rush If you have never been to a Trump protest with both sides rallying, I can sum the whole thing up for you in five words: Facebook comments come to life. If you’d like to know more, read on. New London is a magical place on the shoreline of

Guerilla Bingo: the Art of Competitive People Watching
By: Hannah Harkness Bingo is a game associated with senior citizens looking to pass time, a rainy day activity at summer camp, a cop out substitute teacher lesson plan or just another fun way to slake your gambling addiction. I don’t gamble, and I don’t have the patience to sit

The Best NYC Music Festivals of 2017
By: Jonas Barnes Summer in NYC is a magical time. The clouds part, the locals wipe the sleep out of their eyes and the city comes alive in a way that you don’t get to see any other time of the year. The sun-drenched beaches fill with hard bodies, bikini-clad