Broke-Ass Porn

Australians Furious Over Movie Where a Guy Bangs Other Guy with Didgeridoo
By Jonas Barnes A guy fucked another guy on film with a didgeridoo, and Australia is pissed off. Now I want you to read that sentence again, slowly, and savor all of the mental flavor profiles you’re getting out of it. Swish it around in your brain like a

The Orgasm Gap Matters More Than The Wage Gap
The best part about being a woman in 2017 is having whatever kind of sex you want, with whoever you want, and one will burn you alive for witchcraft! It helps you weed out the douche bags faster, and we have the medical technology to both prevent and cure most

How to Get Laid, Without Tinder
Now that we’ve all come to the cruel realization that orgasms are not like seamless orders, some of us are starting to wonder how people get laid without tinder? Of course, there are other apps, dating websites, and social media pages where you can try to turn acquaintanceship into sweaty

The XXXFiles: Agent Mulder’s Secret Porn Obsession
The X-Files. What can you say about it? It changed TV forever. How many shows can you think of right now that have been influenced by it? It has become an integral part of 90’s nostalgia and a landmark in Television history. X-File fans know of a running joke through the first

Guide to Public Sex In NYC
So you want to have public sex in NYC? You filthy animal! If you’re planning this act of uncivil disobedience there are a few things you should keep in mind. 1. Sex in public is illegal, but no one cares. If you aren’t schtooping in full view of children or brunch,

Death Of The Cam Girl Next Door
Web Camming To the bourgeois, the phrase conjures images of Skyping with grandma. Not competitively masturbating with a married man in what is obviously a coat closet. That is the reality that I found myself engulfed in for the better part of four years. Why? Because I’d been fired from a strip

The Best Underground BDSM Parties in NYC
So you want to go to BDSM parties in NYC? Understandable. They’re pretty rad. Here’s a run down of some of the city’s finest and what you can expect when you show your kinky ass up. Pangea Pangea is BYOB and doesn’t do that thing where cost is affixed to