Sex and Dating

How to Shut Down Cat Callers This Summer-Without Losing Your Cool
Temperatures and hemlines are rising — which means it’s catcalling season. Days are longer, and tempers are shorter. Instead of taking all that frustration out on your loved ones, unload on someone that deserves it- like men who make women uncomfortable in public. If you’re a woman over thirteen you’ve

Chemistry NYC: A Sex Party for the Solo Female Traveler
By Rebecca Rush Picture this: first, you’re a woman. That’s pretty important to this scenario. Once you do that, picture this: you’re naked in a dojo in Bushwick on a Saturday night with 150 others. You came alone, you’ll cum together, and then you will leave blissfully alone. You aren’t

9 Ways to Spot a Fuckboy
They are literally everywhere. Every turn you take, every profile you swipe… they’re there. Hiding in your phone, in your coffee shops, in your apartment building. If you’re not careful, you’ll run into one. No, I’m not talking about blackheads, terrorists, or asbestos – I’m talking about fuckboys. They’re literally

Australians Furious Over Movie Where a Guy Bangs Other Guy with Didgeridoo
By Jonas Barnes A guy fucked another guy on film with a didgeridoo, and Australia is pissed off. Now I want you to read that sentence again, slowly, and savor all of the mental flavor profiles you’re getting out of it. Swish it around in your brain like a

How To Tell Your Lover You Also Have Sex For Money
You met someone cute! And funny! And super open minded! But before you let yourself get attached you know you have to tell them that sometimes you have sex with other people, for money. Or maybe you don’t. Sex workers have been keeping these kinds of secrets for eons. It was easier

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Exploit the Nuclear Threat To Get Laid!
? GIRLS! / WOMEN! ? Is there a guy (or girl) you have on your mind who you love having sex with, but for whatever reason you just haven’t been lately? No matter what coast you live on (especially you LA vixens), USE THE NUCLEAR THREAT TO GET SOMEONE TO SLEEP

Tinder Abroad: Online Dating “Digital Nomads”
By: Rebecca Rush The American imagination has a stereotype of sailors tattooed onto it. Vagabonds with a girl in every port, protecting our nation as they seduce the locals. There’s a new kind of “sailor” afoot, and while they might not be employed by any government, their modus operandi is the