Shopping, Style and Beauty
6 Tips for Breaking Up With Fast Fashion on a Budget
by Kattoo King The internet is overcrowded with articles about the effects of fast fashion on both the fashion industry and the environment. We’ve all heard the story: cheap clothes, which are made of plastic and designed to be disposable, are overcrowding closets and landfills across the world; and none
What the Hell is Blockchain, and Why Won’t Men Stop Telling Me About it?
Our Tech Column was made possible by the fine folks at Mozilla Firefox. The nonprofit Mozilla Foundation believes the Internet must always remain a global public resource that is open and accessible to all. And that’s why we love Firefox as our browser, and you should too. It’s also why we’re
How to Boycott Amazon
Amazon is incredibly convenient. You can get nearly anything imaginable delivered to your house, and often do so the very next day. Yes, they make life much easier. But they are also shady as hell and don’t deserve your money. And because of that we need to boycott Amazon. Why
Which Famous A**Holes Are Going To Burning Man 2019?
Which rich and famous stars will sparklepony up to Burning Man 2019? We have a pretty good idea already, based on their public comments, social media posts, and history of going to Burning Man every year because they can afford to. We’ve compiled this fairly determinative list of which famous
10 Lottery Stories That Prove Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness
Playing the lottery — whether a scratch-off ticket or multinumber drawing — is exciting. You never know if you might win big. If you do, what would you do with the money? Perhaps buy a new car, pay off your mortgage or go back to school? When you win, it’s
Which Popular Gadgets Have The Riskiest Security Flaws
Our Tech Column was made possible by the fine folks at Mozilla Firefox. The nonprofit Mozilla Foundation believes the Internet must always remain a global public resource that is open and accessible to all. And that’s why we love Firefox as our browser, and you should too. The dirty little secret
Amazon Workers Strike in Minnesota & Around the World
Our Tech Column was made possible by the fine folks at Mozilla Firefox. The nonprofit Mozilla Foundation believes the Internet must always remain a global public resource that is open and accessible to all. And that’s why we love Firefox. Amazon. The fast-growing, brick and mortar eating, global retail superpower,