Patriot Act

Invading Afghanistan Remains a Historically Bad Idea
by Xan Holbrook It’s approaching cliche among historians and history buffs to say that Afghanistan is unconquerable. However, its reputation as the toughest nut to crack in geo-politics – from the Parthian Empire until now – is not meritless. For most Americans, Afghanistan first permeated the national psyche during the

Bizarre Press Conference was Totally NOT Donald “Ranting and Raving”
Last night’s press conference didn’t disappoint with the usual Trump theatrics. It appeared thrown together rather hastily in response to mounting media criticism over the 45th president’s recent executive orders and cabinet choices.

After The Women’s March, Now What?
The Women’s March in NYC the day after the Inauguration was monumental. By now you’ve heard about the unity, solidarity, and strength felt by many as they participated in the march with hundreds of thousands of other similarly-outraged people–250,000 people, approximately–and millions more in cities across the country and the

Immigration Ban Ends America As We Know It
JFK airport erupted this weekend as Trump’s travel ban left many across the globe stranded or facing the mid-air shock that upon landing they would be placed in detainment instead of with loved ones. Here’s how it happened and an investigation into what so many new border walls, both concrete and

How To Actually Make America Great Again
By Mar-Li Pitcher and Lauryn Petrie Red banners wave and the exuberant crowd’s cheers of “Make America Great Again” rise to the rafters. The working-class descendants of the Mayflower feel that they have finally found their king. Xenophobia and fear fuel their rabid enthusiasm. Meanwhile, outside, homeless people are having their