
The Patriot Saloon
Anna gave her account of this place a few months back. I just thought I’d weigh in with mine as well: Recently liberated bras dangle from the ceiling, bearing silent witness to the mayhem below, while drunk young things struggle to hear each other’s pickup lines over intolerably loud country

High and Low: Burger Joint at Le Parker Meridien
As a Broke-Ass who, as my father has often put it, has “champagne taste on a beer budget” it has often been my belief that some cosmic error was made which placed this young woman in the financial situation that was meant to be mine, and placed me in one

Broke Ass Guide to Bar Games
As an avid fan of cheap entertainment, I’m always on the hunt for bars that feature games of the drunken competitive variety. When some people think of bar games, they envision a lone patron, hogging the stool playing erotic photohunt. Or large groups that play pool all night and shoot

Equinox: How The Other Half Gyms
For those of you who don’t know, Equinox is one of the higher-end gym chains in the New York city area. I belong to Crunch, but after going on a sort of yoga sampler for the past month or so (going to different yoga studios every couple of days), with

Dosas and a Cup of Chai
If you are among the un-lucky millions without AC in your apartment or an office building to retreat to, if the haze is getting you down, here is my 4-step secret to surviving the occasional summer heat wave. Step 1: Download Passion Pit’s album ‘œManners’ Step 2: Get your ass
NYC Restaurant Review: Pequena Fort Greene
There are times when you feel like getting drinks, and then there are times when you feel like getting Margaritas. They are not the same thing. Margaritas, specifically the frozen kind can be virulently disgusting, made with that gross “mix” and a bunch of crappy tequila and leave you with

NY Bar Review: Lucky Mojo in L.I.C
A couple of weekends ago some friends and I got on line for P.S.1’s very first”Warm Up” Party in Long Island City. I was feeling optimistic about it, especially since I was able to convince my one modern-art-hatin’-mainstreamer friend to come and was hoping that we’d all get drunk, enjoy