3rd Ward

3rd Ward’s FREE Sixth Annual Birthday BBQ
Live music, delicious food, educational workshops and live comedy. This is what you can expect when you stop by 3rd Ward’s Sixth Annual Birthday BBQ on Saturday, May 12th. Rucola, Brooklyn Cured Sausages, Four & Twenty Blackbird Pies and Shelky’s Smoked Fish will be just some of the few eateries

3rd Ward’s Fall 2011 Member Group Show FREE Tonight
Want to see eclectic art tonight? You’re in luck because Brooklyn’s 3rd Ward is hosting their Fall 2011 Member Group Show. Many pieces of work will be on display, from photography to drawings, paintings and sculptures. The event will begin at 7pm and admission is FREE if you RSVP here.

Drink N’ Draw at 3rd Ward in Brooklyn
Tough day at the office? Unwind by sketching some naked chick and knocking back a few PBRs. Totally awesome art studio 3rd Ward offers a life drawing sessions and beer every Wednesday night at an event called Drink N’ Draw– $15 for a solo ticket, or $10 if you bring

Your Saturday: Beer, Brats, Art Festivals, and Sordid Secrets
With New York still enjoying its Indian Summer, it seems like everyone is trying to pack every possible event into one weekend before the chill of fall sets in. Normally we just pick one event, but there is just too much good stuff to choose. So whether you want to

The Last Supper Art Festival & Charity Event
It’s true, broke people aren’t exactly leading the pack in charitable work. Sure you can volunteer, but when it comes to giving back, our pockets are often empty. So when an event comes around that combines art, music, film, booze, and supports a good cause, you can count me in.

3rd Ward's GOODS Food Truck Now serving Williamsburg
It’s been said that good things come in small packages, this is especially true when it comes to the food truck revolution that has taken this city by storm. What used to just consist of “street meat” and questionable sanitary conditions is now a full blown culinary movement. Joining the

FREE Sweatshop Social/ $10 All You Can Drink Show
FREE Bag Making at Sweatshop Social Grunt at your computer if you have a cupboard that’s been completely overtaken with plastic grocery sacks from the bodega. If you grunted, you should switch to reusable cloth grocery bags. Every grocery store in the NYC area sells them for 99 cents, or