
How I Live in NYC and Spend Only $25/week on Groceries
by Kate Brunotts As much as I’d like to say that my frugal grocery budget of $25 a week was out of my love of being responsible and financially savvy… it’s not. I live in New York City and stuff is expensive. Moving here and starting with a stream of

The State of Homelessness in NYC and How to Help
There is not one day that goes by as a New Yorker that you don’t witness a homeless person pick something out of the garbage, sleep on absolutely dirty streets, and beg for a change or a bite to eat. Homelessness is one of the most important issues the 5

Rad Upcoming NY Events SummerStage Presents: Un Break à Mozart THU. 07/02 | 7:00PM @ CENTRAL PARK On stage, ten musicians from the Champs-Elysée Orchestra respond to the ten hip hop dancers from France’s Centre Chorégraphique National Director Kader Attou’s dance company, Accrorap. ADMISSION: FREE ANDREI RUBLEV, TOEBOW, INFINITY GIRL,

How to Enjoy a New York Christmas When You’re a Broke Twenty-Something
Damon & Jo on a Dime is a travel show for those who cannot afford Travel Channel’s “Top Ten Hottest Beaches of Cabo” or for those who cannot relate to Samantha Brown and Anthony Bourdain’s luxurious travels. Damon & Jo are broke and want to travel too, dag nabbit! You’ve

What Does It Mean to be Broke?
At the moment, I have enough money to get by. That means I can survive on the bare minimum. Over the last 27 years of my life, money has come and gone, mimicking life’s peaks and valleys. And just like life, I won’t complain about its ups and downs because

What You Should Really Expect From A Broke Musician
I’m a 20-something artist living in New York City, and, quite frankly, I’m tired of trying to make people believe that I have my shit together. It’s way too much work. I constantly find myself having to choose between taking a shower, brushing my teeth, shaving, dressing appropriately for whatever

Let’s Get Wet: Broke-Ass Water Activities
If you’re a fellow cube dweller by day, you’re lucky enough to enjoy free air conditioning for approximately eight hours Monday through Friday while the rest of the city – namely tourists who don’t believe in deodorant – slog around the streets, coated in their own sweat, and clog the