broke-ass kitchen

Broke-Ass Kitchen: Baked French Toast
Cooking’s biggest enemies are motivation and patience. The idea of making something from scratch is always nice, but the execution? Before you’ve finished your mental list of the ingredients you need to grab from the store, you’ve probably found yourself sitting at a restaurant instead. Now, imagine being the kind

Broke-Ass Kitchen: Chicken Parmesan Soup
I know over 100 cities across the nation are experiencing record highs and we’re all excited about the sitting outside for brunch and not wearing a coat even though we really should fun that comes with it, it’s still, well, kind of cold. I mean, don’t you think? I mean,

Broke-Ass Kitchen: Booze Edition
Maybe I’m phoning this week’s recipe in because it’s the week before Christmas and I am already mentally sitting in my pajamas on my couch at home in Ohio watching syndicated Seinfeld with cookie crumbs all over my shirt. Or, as anyone who’s been to The Levee in Brooklyn can

Broke-Ass Kitchen: White Chocolate Peppermint Cookie Bark
Ahh the holidays. A special time of year for having internal melt-downs about how you’ll afford all of the presents you have to buy and wonder why the hell your parents had to give you so many damn siblings. Thankfully the struggling economy of recent years has made appreciating homemade

Broke-Ass Kitchen,Thanksgiving Edition
Break out the sweatpants and the boxed wine, it’s Thanksgiving time, ya’ll! (OK, I also feel it’s appropriate to do this on any given evening during winter.) As much as I wish this holiday meant laying around with my family and shoving my West Virginian grandma’s bacon fat-laden food down

Broke-Ass Kitchen: Homemade Caramel Apples
In the words of one of my favorite articles to ever grace McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, IT’S DECORATIVE GOURD SEASON MOTHERFUCKERS! That means that you’re picking last year’s food off the sweaters you stashed away without washing first, and you probably have a shit ton of apples because one of your friends

Broke-Ass Kitchen: Baked Egg Cups
Anyone reading this already knows that eggs are a broke-ass’s best friend. Two of those yolky wonders will run you about $.30, keep you full for hours, and are one of the few foods that are almost perfect just the way they are (Just like you! Awwww). Heck, even renowned