
22 Dec 2010

Top Tipple at The Narrows

Starring on an unassuming block off the Morgan L top, The Narrows has what its ‘hood rats need: A space classy enough to not miss Manhattan with drinks served at Brooklyn prices. All smooth lines, dim lights and black and white decor inside with a choice list of premium cocktails and beers,

Jill S. 0
20 Nov 2010

Closing Night of the Zero Film Festival

The term “indie” has been appropriated to describe many things. Everything from music, t-shirts and even coffee shops, the term has long been watered down from its original definition, which is essentially financing your own art and doing innovative things on your own terms. In celebration of that mantra, the

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
15 Nov 2010

FREE Post Apocalyptic Road Movies at The Bodega

Are the increasing number of Christmas decorations making you feel a bit too warm and fuzzy inside? It’s not even Thanksgiving, but there are giant snowflake garlands above major avenues, dollar stores are covered with enough tinsel to give you retina burn and the animated holiday specials will be on

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
25 Sep 2010

Your Saturday: Beer, Brats, Art Festivals, and Sordid Secrets

With New York still enjoying its Indian Summer, it seems like everyone is trying to pack every possible event into one weekend before the chill of fall sets in. Normally we just pick one event, but there is just too much good stuff to choose. So whether you want to

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
18 Sep 2010

The Last Supper Art Festival & Charity Event

It’s true, broke people aren’t exactly leading the pack in charitable work. Sure you can volunteer, but when it comes to giving back, our pockets are often empty. So when an event comes around that combines art, music, film, booze, and supports a good cause, you can count me in.

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
08 Sep 2010

FREE Knitting Classes at the Brooklyn Yarn Cafe

Winter would be easier if we were all bears, because then we could sleep away several months. Instead, we humans have to find ways to entertain ourselves to avoid winter madness, like watching the entire series of Arrested Development in a three-week span, reading the books we’ve been carrying around

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
14 Aug 2010

Blackout Anniversary Party

Blackouts can be a scary thing. Hell I nearly had a meltdown after my lights started flickering while I was in the shower and my A/C started to make choking sounds. But they can also be a magical witching hour where humanity decides it will come together instead of flying

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0