
14 Jan 2020

How Drag Pageants Have Changed! The 1990’s to the Digital Now

By Eddie Jen The last time I competed in a drag pageant, it was in the nineteen hundreds. The very late nineteen hundreds. And on my third try, I won the tiara. Afterward, one of the contestants stabbed me in the shoulder. OK, she pricked me. But it was intentional. That’s the

24 Jun 2015

BAS Pride 2015: The 2015 Bi-BQ, Pride Night @ Comix Experience & FREE Tickets To Hard French Los Homos V w/ ESG

  Well queers, we are already mid-week of this year’s rainbow tour and about knee deep in plenty of gay-ass shit to do. If you are, by chance looking for something to do on the way to the Milk Club and 48 Hills joint happy hour (because you would never

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder 0
22 May 2015

Sui Generis Men’s Annual Pride Kick-Off Sidewalk Sale @ 60% Off Saturday 5/23!

As a general rule, sidewalk sales in the Castro aren’t always the most profitable affairs. When Sui Generis holds one though, you can probably safely bet that you’ll be going home with something hot that’ll last more than one night and comes with neither a rash nor abandonment issues. But

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder 0
18 Jun 2012

Broke-Ass(es) of the Week, Pride Edition: Jesse Hewit and Evan Roberts at Frameline 36

In addition to featuring the lovely Rean Taylor as our Broke-Ass of the Week we have a double-bill of some other broke-asses just in time for Frameline 36.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0