Nerdlesque: Comic Book Themed Strip Tease
By: Hannah Harkness What do Spock, GladOS, Carl Sagan, Hermione, the cast of the Venture Brothers, Finn, Poison Ivy, Sailor Moon, Magneto, Krodos/Kang, Tank Girl, Wonder Woman, Pennywise, Loki, a Storm Trooper, Daria, Delirium, and Silent Hill nurses have in common? I have personally witnessed a striptease act based on all
Fry Anything at Chip Shop
Today is Guy Fawkes Day, the English holiday to celebrate Guy’s failed plot to blow up parliament. People celebrate by chanting “Remember, remember the fifth of November” and burning effigies of Guy. Admittedly, I didn’t know about the holiday until high school when it was featured in an episode of
More Cheap Clothes in Union Square! Daria on DVD!
I’m really excited for two very different things happening tomorrow… 1. Daria comes out on DVD. If you were a fan of the show, you have also been waiting for eight years for the DVD box set. I would like to point out that you can order the Bachelor Finale